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The Mountain Prepaid Shopper
The Mountain Prepaid Shopper
Mountain Prepaid provides links on all of our pages to the best deals available for almost every individual Prepaid. This special page is for those prepaids that don't allow us to link to those deals, so we put together our own deals and alternatives.

Consumer Cellular
Consumer Cellular gets good reviews, but the only way to get a deal is to either sign up for an AARP Discount on their own web site, or find a cheaper carrier that uses AT&T like Red Pocket Mobile.

Google Fi
Google Fi doesn't offer many deals but you can get cheaper Google Fi Pixel Phones at Amazon. Since Google uses Wi-Fi first, you would get a better connection and better deal if you used a service that uses Wi-Fi Calling only when you need it and a better selection of cellular backups like US Mobile.

H2O Wireless
H2O has been a price leader and gives you a choice of the AT&T or Verizon networks. Their only deals are on their own web site but you can also get Cheaper Phones for H2O Wireless at Amazon.

H2O has competitive prices and support eSIM's and International Talk & Text options on their own web site but you can get cheaper Lycamobile-compatible phones at Amazon. A good alternative is US Mobile which also has very good International Roaming options.

Metro by T-Moble
Metro by T-Mobile is an alternative to T-Mobile's own prepaid but you can get Cheaper Phones for Metro by T-Mobile at Amazon, and cheaper plans from other Prepaids that use the T-Mobile network like Red Pocket Mobile.

T-Mobile Prepaid looks more like T-Mobile's regular plans. If you want a better-priced service, use one of the many independent wireless providers that use the T-Mobile network but are not owned by T-Mobile like Red Pocket Mobile.
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